Vinci Test

Airbus Safran launchers have just begun the hot-fire testing campaign for the re-ignitable VINCI® upper stage engine on the P4.1 test bench at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) in Lampoldshausen. This is a key milestone for the development of Ariane 6.

Airbus Safran Launchers: The first test campaign for the Ariane 6 upper stage VINCI® engine has started at the DLR test bench in Lampoldshausen


Airbus Safran launchers have just begun the hot-fire testing campaign for the re-ignitable VINCI® upper stage engine on the P4.1 test bench at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) in Lampoldshausen. This is a key milestone for the development of Ariane 6.

The VINCI engine is designed for the upper liquid propulsion module of the launcher, which can be deployed flexibly for a variety of missions. Once ignited, the engine burns for up to 1,000 seconds in development test.

This M5R test phase will last until September 2016. Airbus Safran Launchers is the prime contractor for the Ariane 6 launcher whose initial launch is scheduled for 2020.



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