1. Legal notices

The website (the “Website”) is published by ArianeGroup SAS, a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of €265,904,408, registered with the Versailles Trade and Companies Register under number 519 032 247, whose registered office is located at 51-61 Route de Verneuil 78130 Les Mureaux France, intra-community VAT number: FR82519032247, email address:, telephone number: +33 1 39 06 12 34 (the “Company”).

The Website’s publication director is Sarah-Pearl Bokobza, in her capacity as Communications Director.

The Website is hosted by OVH, whose registered office is located at 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix France, and which can be contacted by e-mail at or by telephone on +33 9 72 10 10 07.



2. Terms of Use

Scope and purpose

Access to and use of the Website is governed by these terms of use (the “TOU”) which set out the conditions of use of the Website and govern the relationship between the Company and any internet user who accesses or browses the Website (the “User”). These TOU are accessible and can be consulted at any time on the Website. The User may also print or download these TOU.

The Website enables the User to (i) obtain information about the Company and the services it offers; (ii) access information about job offers published by the Company; (iii) obtain information about news concerning the Company; (iv) access the Company’s publications; (v) purchase goods offered by the Company.

The Company will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information and content of the Website remains accurate and up-to-date, but reserves the right to correct and/or amend all or part of the Website and/or these TOU at any time, without prior notice. Any changes made to the TOU will take effect on the date they are posted on the Website. By using the Website after the publication of these amendments, the User acknowledges acceptance of these modifications as a whole. The Company will inform the User of any significant changes made to these TOU by any means of its choice.

The applicable TOU are those in force on the day the Website is being browsed. Consequently, by consulting or browsing the Website, the User will be deemed to have read and accepted the TOU in force and to have agreed to be bound by them. If the User refuses all or part of these TOU, they are not authorised to use or browse the Website.


Guarantee – Liability


The Website and its content are provided “as is” and without warranty of any kind, including any warranty of future performance. The Company does not guarantee that the Website will be accessible in an uninterrupted manner or free of errors and/or defects. 


The Website is normally accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, subject to:


  • cases of force majeure;
  • internet connection availability;
  • temporary suspension of the Website for technical reasons related to Website updates, maintenance or any other technical reason.


The Company, within the framework of an obligation of means, undertakes to provide access to the Website under the conditions set out in these TOU, and to provide its best efforts to remedy any malfunction, suspension or interruption of the Website brought to its attention. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Company may be obliged to temporarily or permanently suspend access to the Website without prior notice, in particular for technical and/or maintenance reasons, whatever the origin or cause, without this giving rise to any liability on its part.

The Company’s Responsibility

It is also specified that the Internet connection and the information and telecommunication systems used to access and use the Website are not free of errors or bugs and that interruptions and breakdowns may occasionally occur. The Company may not be held liable for any inconvenience, loss or damage arising from the use of the Internet, including, but not limited to, the transmission and/or reception of data and/or information on the Internet of poor quality, any defect in the reception of equipment or communication lines, any malfunction of the Internet preventing the proper operation of the Website and, more generally, any loss or damage arising from the use of the Website, the Internet or the information systems. The Company and its directors cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage, whatever the cause, arising from the use of the Website, for which the User is solely responsible. It is the Users’ responsibility to take all appropriate measures to ensure the security of their equipment, data, software or other elements belonging to them, in particular against contamination by malicious program(s) and/or any attempt at intrusion of which they may be subject.

The Company can only be held liable towards the User for acts directly attributable to the Company and causing direct damage to the said User.


Under no circumstances may the Company be held liable to the User for:

  • An indirect loss, recognised as such by the French courts, 
  • Damage resulting from misuse or use of the Website and/or services that does not comply with these TOU, or 
  • Damage resulting from acts attributable to the User, any other User or any third party.


Responsibility of the User

Users are solely responsible for their use of the Website, and in particular for complying with their obligations under these TOU.

The User undertakes to use the Website and the services for purposes that comply with public order, public safety and accepted standards of behaviour and shall in any event remain solely responsible for any breaches of public order, public safety and accepted standards of behaviour that may result from his/her use of the Website.

In general, the User holds the Company harmless against any complaints, claims, actions, recourse and/or demands of any kind from a third party on the basis of the User’s breach of one of its obligations or guarantees under the terms of these TOU, or, more generally, of the User’s use of the Website. The User undertakes to compensate the Company for any prejudice, loss and/or damage that the latter may suffer and to pay all costs, charges and/or fines that it may have to bear as a result.



Intellectual property

The ArianeGroup trademark, as well as all the figurative or non-figurative brands and more generally any other distinctive sign appearing on the Website, whether registered or not (the “Trademarks”) are and remain the exclusive property of the Company have been licensed to the Company. No right or license to use the Trademarks is granted to the User. 

The Company is the owner (either exclusively or via a licence) of all intellectual property rights relating to the Website (its general structure, arborescence, as well as the software, texts, images (whether animated or not), videos, sounds, know-how, graphic elements and any other element making it up – hereinafter together the “Content”). Access to the Website does not grant the User any intellectual property rights or any licence to use the Content. 

The Trademarks, the Website and/or the Content may not be modified, reproduced, represented, transmitted, distributed, displayed, sold, incorporated into a derivative work or other type of work on any medium whatsoever. More generally, the Trademarks, the Website and/or the Content are provided for the User’s personal, private and non-commercial use. The Trademarks, the Website and its Content may only be used as part of browsing the Website and, where applicable, to benefit from the Services. The use of all or part of the Trademarks, the Website and/or the Content, in particular by downloading, reproducing, transmitting, representing or displaying them for purposes other than those provided for in these TOU is strictly prohibited.

Subject to compliance with these TOU, the Company grants Users a personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to access and use the Website, the Content and/or the Trademarks solely for the Users’ personal and private use and for non-commercial purposes. Consequently, it is strictly forbidden to:


  • copy, reproduce, represent/display, disseminate, distribute and/or publish, permanently or temporarily, all or part of the Website and/or the Content and/or the Trademarks by any means or process (in particular, caching, framing, etc.) and on any medium known or unknown to date;
  • create derivative works from the Website and/or the Content and/or the Trademarks;
  • modify, translate, adapt or transform all or part of the Website and/or the Content and/or the Trademarks;
  • disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the Website and/or the Content; 
  • distribute, transmit, transfer, disseminate, sell, rent, license or exploit in any way all or part of the Website and/or the Content and/or the Trademarks.



Hypertext links

The insertion by a third party of hypertext links to any part of the Website is prohibited without the express prior written authorisation of the Company. Requests for authorisation must be sent in writing to the following address: Authorisations granted may be cancelled at any time at the sole discretion of the Company.

The Company reserves the right to request the removal of any link to the Website which has not been authorised, or which is no longer authorised, and to claim damages for any loss suffered in this respect. 

Websites containing a hypertext link to the Website may not all be under the control of Company, which consequently declines all responsibility (particularly editorial) for access to these websites and their content.

The Website may contain links to other websites or external sources (“Third Party Websites”). Insofar as the Company has no control over these Third Party Websites or their content, the Company makes no commitment as to the availability of these Third Party Websites and their content, and accepts no responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services or any other elements available on or from these Third Party Websites. By providing links to these Third Party Websites, the Company does not endorse or associate itself with the content of these Third Party Websites or make any representations regarding them. Furthermore, these links do not indicate any association between the Company and the owners and/or authors, designers, managers, administrators or hosts of these Third Party Websites. These links are provided for information purposes only and the User acknowledges that they are solely responsible for any decision to activate the links to these Third Party Websites. The Company also declines all liability in the event of damage or loss proven or presumed to be related to, or resulting from, the use of the content, products and services available on these Third Party Websites, or from the trust that the User has placed in them.


Information on personal data

Users are informed that the Website uses cookies and that the Company processes personal data. In this respect, Users are invited to consult the Company’s data protection policy, which can be accessed at:


Assistance – Information – Claims

Any requests for information, clarification, assistance or complaints relating to the Website and/or services must be sent to the Company by e-mail to the following address:


Applicable law

These TOU are governed by and interpreted in accordance with French law.

In the event of a claim or dispute relating to, or arising from, the application, interpretation or performance of these TOU, the parties undertake to seek an amicable settlement of the dispute. If an amicable agreement is not reached within two (2) months of receipt by the Company of a written notification of the dispute sent in accordance with the above terms, either party may bring the dispute before the competent French courts, it being understood, however, that the User may have recourse to an alternative dispute resolution procedure including, in particular, a mediation procedure via the European online dispute resolution platform accessible at which will attempt to resolve the dispute amicably.



Entire Agreement

These TOU express the entirety of the obligations of the parties. However, they may be supplemented and/or amended by any additional text concluded between the Parties and expressly referring to these TOU.

If one or more provisions of these TOU are held to be invalid or unenforceable under any applicable law or regulation or by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be severed but this shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.

No general or specific condition communicated by the User may be incorporated into these TOU.




Any failure by the Company to enforce its rights under any provision of these TOU shall not be deemed or construed as a waiver of the benefit of such provision or of the right to subsequently enforce it and/or of any remedy that the Company may exercise in the event of a breach of such provision.


© ArianeGroup – May 2024