New Ariane 6 transport ship Canopée docks in French Guiana for the first time

The new-generation sailing cargo ship has been custom-designed to ship Ariane 6 launcher components to Kourou


Canopée - Kourou @Copyright ArianeGroupCNESESAService Optique CSG Vidélio

Canopée has been custom-built to meet the complex requirements of Ariane 6 transport. It is a hybrid-propulsion vessel designed to ship all the launcher stages and sub-assemblies together, to be environmentally friendly, and to halve shipping costs, particularly by the use of wingsails.


Canopée has completed its very first transatlantic crossing and has reached Pariacabo- harbor in French Guiana.


This first crossing is part of a series of sea trials to qualify harbor infrastructure and Canopée’s future shipping route.